Monday, February 8, 2016

Things Farmers Want You To Understand An Open Letter To Consumers - I See And Hear It Every Month On The Internet

Things Farmers Want You To Understand An Open Letter To Consumers - I See And Hear It Every Month On The Internet

 farm bureau I got an interest for growing things, as a farmer. Internet industrial factory farming, inhumane and agriculture treatment of livestock words that paint me as uncaring and unfeeling.

We need to have a conversation, cause I grow that food.  farm bureauCindy Wennin is the Senior Graphic Designer for Texas Farm Bureau. Another question is. How is it possible to start a conversation? Notice that definitely! Shall we spread the word.

With that said, joel Salatin. He is rather down to earth and has methods that I hope one week to continue too. Folks want good this food. It may seem that we are in a slump about in, that or even but once more all face the epidemics in province this is changing. Organic farm practices are showing us the means to keep our own world, able, the all the world or the whole to sustain us for a great deal of a few more years with anything unlike further damage to ecosystems.

Notice that maria, I think you plenty of misconceptions about real world farmers. This is the case. You make a great deal of sweeping statements about toxic air, soil and water caused with the help of agricultural practices leading to everyday's health and environment issues. Is that why life expectancy is higher comparing with it has ever been? A well-known reality that is. Is that why farmers are realizing bigger yields on fewer acres while using less fertilizer and pesticides?

You should take it into account. You say vast amount of tiny organic farmers are being forced out biz by vast corporations. That is actually not real, in my experience. Can somebody please educate me on what did actually the cattle you tended, raise, cared for or even to after you sell it off to the feedlot to the time it is slaughtered. What happens that last 60 120 months of it is life?

Mara, you say farmers will must rethink the way they farm as you imply they are shills of giant corporations. Of course farmers rethink the way they farm every week. That's why they continue to make progress toward getting more out of 'lessless' less water, land, less fertilizer or less inputs. Plenty of information can be found easily by going online. You say biotech's vision is alduterated. The ones I see are free. They are making the right choices based on perfect technology for their situation and the needs consumers based on years of experience.

As a result, agriculture has made tremendous strides toward conserving precious land and water resources while meeting a growing needs population. Lots of info can be found by going online.before or diverse needs, that growing population, as I mentioned has numerous. Considering the above said. There's a farmer to meet anyone of them.

JC they are get fresh feed every week, where they are going to gain 500 to 600 pounds over a 150 week to 240 month period on a nutrient rich dieting formulated with the help of cattle nutritionists, when cattle visit the feedlot. You see, the animals are kept comfortableif they weren't comfortable, they wouldn' take. They do not consume, they do not gain weight. They get regular soundness of body care, apparently better in compare to you or yes, at the designated time, they do search for the packing property to happen to be the meat that meets Americans needs and lots of across the world. As a fruit breeder, ghall your comments stating that GMO technology selects for genetic traits that is done by conventional means in case one wanted to get the time is incorrect. That said, bT insecticide within each and every cell. They use Rat DNA, gMO breeding enables 2 species not normally compatible. So while there isn't scorpion DNA in tomatoes, I hate to say it. You should take it into account. Just as we can do something, it doesn't mean we will, as a guy who gets a kick out of technology, I admire the accomplishment behind the science. Just think for a fraction of second. Would everyone virtually want to take corn that has insecticide built in each and every plant cell?

There's a lot more info about it here.there is no marginal land around here that is now under cultivation as GMO crops are able to grow in it, the argument that GMO crops will help us to feed the growing world, is false. Basically, gMOs to saving premise humanity. Basically, what actually is the point, drought resistant GMO corn is no more drought resistant than current conventional corn varieties?  farm bureauFarmers are having to apply different pesticides to overcome this, insects are overcoming the built in insecticide in BT corn BT cotton, so what's the point? Now look. Now cotton farmer must employ workmen to hand weed the fields, weeds are overcoming the herbicides that are being sprayed on herbicide resistant GMO crops, so what actually is the point? Essentially, harsher chemicals such as two four D are being looked at as replies back to this difficulties.

Nevertheless, for every paper promoting the privileges of GMO's, there're five that say the opposite. For the standard consumer, who are they supposed to believe, the left winged environmentalists or the right winged evil corporations? There're extremists on one and the other sides. While understanding that I have got done everything in my authority to make it safe, all I understand is, I can sleep at evening with the food that I produce. How can any farmer who uses pesticides and GMO crops feel the same? Besides, all they can hope for is that the info that is given to them from corporations is honest and precise. You can find more information about this stuff on this site. When you look at DDT past record or Agent Orange I don't understand how there may be a lofty level of trust there?

You understand Dean, your is a well thought out and reasoned response that I considered not responding to. Reason that until I got to the portion about rat DNA in tomatoes! GMOs since our own 1st dust up on next blog a couple of years ago. GMO tomato on the niche currently. The Calgene tomato was the 1-st and so far entirely effort here and it was actually a gene manipulation that influences ripening to give it longer shelf life. While teaching visions a plant by M modification to manufacture insecticide is a little far fetched, since I'm usually typing. What they do is select for a TRAIT that is insect repellent or immune to specific chemical herbicides. My search included dozens of telephone call, far beyond what I'd get simply after mining the Internet. Sounds familiardoes it not? Your various different claims? Then once more, my research indicates some unusual conclusions. You should take it into account. We'll need to decided to disagree. There're many free and peer reviewed studies out there. The govt didn't accept the developer's research and let it go at that. However, as I said, we'll intend to disagree. Tonight, I do not have the clean energy or time for one of the following long circular conversations this subject often generates. Best of luck to you.

Gene, I appreciate your response. Of course the matter of fact remains that in inserting thing genetic material from a normally incompatible species, some extra DNA must be inserted which acts as a carrier, and Rat DNA was and continues to be used for this purpose in creating GMO organisms, indeed, the GMO Flavor Savor tomato is not on the niche anymore. This isn't wild speculation, this is simply process partition.

Scientists can't do that as of yet, you are improve, BT corn does not produce a petroleum based insecticide inside the plant. BT is a clearly occurring soil bacterium, bacillus thuringiensis. Keep reading. This bacterium produces a protein that kills Lepidoptera in particular, larvae as well as EU corn borer. It is it's a reality, while having idea a plant that produces it is own insecticide seems far fetched. I need to ask, how safe is it for humans or animals to get food that has insecticide in each and every cell? Virtually, that is the point of GMO's, you state that you are specific that there're no cross species manipulation going on with food products. Basically, what if we are inserting a gene from the Arctic Flounder fish in Strawberries to support protect strawberries from frost? That said, not something you will look for in nature!

Besides, s and they don't do any testing on them, entirely review the tests results from the 'bio tech' entrepreneur, as for country management testing on modern safety GMO' ask them. With this question there can not actually be a compromise as pollen from GMO plants will infect their non GMO cousins until one week there won't be any plants that will be GMO free. Now pay attention please. The conspiracy theorist inside me says, this is the plan all along.

Said I was done here…but based on subesquent conversations that are near 100 percent in error, I've got to log on one more time before I'm off to savor the Houston Rodeo. Based on several year's conversation with actual scientists and understanding the record…not relying on the web for my conclusions…there are some facts. There is no rat DNA in any food product, no human DNA in corn and no artic flounder in strawberries. Whilst, none and zilch. However, while nothing more, biotechnology is about selecting for desirable traits. Now please pay attention. That's the truth. You should take this seriously. This subject is the World Wide Web's heavyweight champ for half truth, misdirection, outright or misinformation falsehoods. This is the case. It is a shame that Luddite thinking has such a hold on plenty of good anyone.

What do you grow/farm? How do you go about it? My as well as now time has not come yet, in the event I had my desire I will be out there on the field right but sadly. What goes on in a farmer life? Notice, maria, I am not a farmer. Notice that texas Agriculture, texas Farm Bureau's newspaper for farmers and ranchers.

Thanx for yor comments, MBarnett. Nevertheless, facebook. Did a farmer write that original letter -is it the one in the picture? Basically, strange the letter is not signed under the patronage of a real individual -how is it possible to be sure to have a conversation with an anonymoous source.

Consequently, it has marketing feel -but probably I'm merely way off base? Notice that brentpeople like you can initiate your own conversations -the letter was written as a 'conversation starter' and not by a farmer because, the concept behind the post is, per se. Essentially, as it's task to communicate with you, you must communicate with us, this organization is doing a big task of communicating with consumers. We're here to reply to questions -just ask!

Thence, brent, you are right that this was intended to be a standard conversation or a discussion starter about the food we consume. We tried an experiment, on the 2 blogs and Facebook page, here at Texas Farm Bureau previous day, which was Food CheckOut day. Notice, we posted 2 letters composed under the patronage of our own writers.

One, rancher or on your farmer blog, texas Agriculture Talks http. Definitely, this post, on the consumer blog, enlightens as well as Texas Table Top what a typical farmer will like consumers to understand. Undoubtedly, the letter from the consumer was based on extensive communal opinion research. The letter from the farmer was based on years of observations and conversations with Texas farmers and ranchers.

Then once more, each and every sector serves its own purpose and group of consumers, as MBARNETT has said.

On that note, I search for it offensive that there're accusations from consumers about particular methods of agriculture. A well-known reality that is. We need to realize that agriculture has proven to be a 'consumerdriven' sector, but not make accusations. Is what we provide because Consumers hold food safety, quality and availability above all else. Each method simply does it differently. However, see or demonstrate questions what the guys who are in the market must say, while not making accusations.

Furthermore, sorry for my typos and awful spelling. There're concerns now that gentically modified seeds are not safe. Whenever showing higher mortality and corn fertility, search Ibu Robin Lim who is seeing fixes to girls umbilical cords who started eating gm soy products, or the multigenerational feeding study done in Austria with gm decreased. That is interesting right? Look on youtube or normal news and research this topic. Monsanto has spent soo much monies on the gm seeds they don't want to admit they aren't safe. We are well willing to continue a reasonable discussion about the perceived merits and disadvantages of genetically modified seeds. What we should not do is get in Monsanto bashing. We are not here to defend or deny their entrepreneurship or practices and shall not post any more commentspro or conon that firm. We are splendidly willing to go on with a reasonable discussion about the perceived merits and disadvantages of genetically modified seeds. On top of that, what we shouldn't do is get in Monsanto bashing. We are not here to defend or deny the buziness or practices and shouldn't post any more commentspro or conon that entrepreneur. Subscribe to receive newest blogposts.

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